Personal Dog Coaching

A deeper dive into what you need help with most.

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Created for clients with a broader range of training objectives requiring longer term support! Great for first time dog people or newly adopted dogs needing a thorough training guide to get the best start possible. In our five-lesson package, clients get an intensive two month training plan and private coaching with exercises they can build into their dog’s future.

The Zen Dog Approach

We start with a Zoom hour where we go over the history of your dog, review daily life activities that contribute to your dog’s behaviour, discuss management strategies, equipment and learning theory and then create a training plan of foundation exercises as homework. We build on those exercises from week one in the following four lessons, held in person at your home/neighbourhood, or in a location conducive to the week’s training objectives. 

We recommend lessons be spaced two weeks apart so there is time to practice.

Your sessions can be set up at any time. 

 You will receive follow up emails with homework notes and relevant materials and lesson plans for future reference. Phone call and email support is available and encouraged throughout the extent of the training package. 

Travel charges apply outside of Vancouver.


Your sessions can be set up at any time.

Cost is $625+gst
5 one-hour sessions

Contact us to register.

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