Bohdi: Featured Rescue

Each month we want to feature a dog who has come into the Vancouver Animal Shelter, through no fault of their own, needing a soft place to land and a something to call their forever home. Bohdi is a 1.5 year-old Border Collie mix currently at the Vancouver Animal Shelter, looking for his perfect home. He…

Each month we want to feature a dog who has come into the Vancouver Animal Shelter, through no fault of their own, needing a soft place to land and a something to call their forever home.

Bohdi is a 1.5 year-old Border Collie mix currently at the Vancouver Animal Shelter, looking for his perfect home.

He was picked up as a stray in August and during a veterinary check up, one of the clinic’s staff fell in love with his sweet nature and brought him home with the intention of fostering to adopt. Sadly Bodhi did not agree with the resident dog and so back to the shelter Bodhi came.  He will do best in a dog-only household.

Being a Border Collie,  Bohdi is naturally incredibly agile and athletic. He loves to run, jump, and catch frisbees. He is a very quick learner, and he thrives on mental stimulation.  Bohdi has some dog reactivity, so he is not suitable for an inexperienced dog owner or household with young children.  With the right guidance and consistent training, Bodhi will be able to navigate his surroundings with more confidence. 

Zen Dog offers a $90 off discount for three, one-hour private lessons to help Bohdi thrive in his new home. For $299+gst Bohdi’s new person will get an initial zoom, and two private hourly lessons in Kitsilano.

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